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In dramaHOME, 7 women, 7 housewives from Bogota, 7 former professionals, dialogue with the outside hidden in their own homes. From there, through electronic led screens, located in the front of their own homes,  they wrote 24 hours of the day their thoughts, their dreams, their fears ... their own everyday fictions.

Short documentary | 3' | 2015

En dramaHOME, 7 mujeres, 7 amas de casa de Bogotá, 7 ex profesionales, dialogan con el exterior ocultas en sus propios hogares. Desde allí, por medio de pantallas electrónicas de led, ubicadas en el frente de sus propias casas, escriben a lo largo de las 24hs del día sus pensamientos, sus sueños, sus miedos... sus propias ficciones cotidianas

Corto documental | 3' | 2015

PRODUCER: Carolina Borrero

DIRECTOR:  Matias Umpierrez


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